Abandoned Factory
route-b ending Ending GAt the very beginning, head into the factory instead of getting in your flight unit.
route-c pod A160: Missilex On one of the containers across the gap from where 2B landed at the start of Route A.1 Small Recovery around the cistern
Route A
Route B
Route C
Shortcut platform
x From the broken part of the handrail around the large cistern, jump over to the crane arm and use it to reach the platform. In Route B you start the game here.Route A
Route B
Route C
shortcut Kick down the ladderRoute A
Route B
Route C
shortcut Lower the crane armx A control panel at the south end of the platform.Route A
Route B
Route C
x Drop down in the space between the cistern and the crane arm.Route A
Route B
Route C
$1000 at the interior cistern door
Route A
Route B
Route C
1 Small Recovery on the upper walkway
Route A
Route B
Route C
9S intel-archive 1 Factory Cafeteria Signx Lower walkway.Route B
Route C
$1000 on the main walkway
x Near the landing with 6 stationary Small Stubbies.Route A
Route B
Route C
Hidden room
x From the landing with 6 stationary Small Stubbies, go right, under the walkway.Route A
Route B
Route C
shortcut Lower the bridgex Exit the hidden room to the right to find a control panel.Route A
Route B
Route C
Route B
Route C
scan 1 Silver Orex The landing with four cargo containers.route-c 9S intel-archive A Pious Robot's Willx Main walkway, shortly after entering the factory from the main entrance.
2B 1 Small Recovery, Medium Recoveryw These chests will not be available after you finish the area, or in other routes.x Two chests on a landing as you make your way up some metal stairs after exiting the factory.x At the start of the bridge.Route A
Route B
Route C
After Reboot
Around the entrance
x On a truck directly south of the overpass.Route A
Route B
Route C
9S 1 Large Recoveryx Next to the truck halfway between the overpass and the access point.Route B
Route C
weapon item Virtuous Treaty and all the items and plug-in chips 2B had at the end of the prologue in route A.
1 Broken Battery, Crushed Nut, Dented Socket, Rusty Bolt, Severed Cable, Small Gear and Stripped Screw
i This chest does not reset between routes.x Behind the giant excavator-ripsaw where 2B landed during Route A.
During Olive Branch (Route A) or after it (Route B).
route-a ending Ending JKill the religious machines as soon as you encounter them.
x In the hallway to the throne room.Throne room
scan 1 Moldavite9S 1 Full Recovery
Secret chests in the chimney
x When the camera switches to side-scrolling view for the first time, you'll be on a walkway going through a large chimney. Stand in its right-side exit, and double jump up and left back inside it. You should land on a walkway a little off the ground.2 Gold Ores
x Follow the hidden walkway to the left side of the cistern.9S 1 Clean Nut, Large Battery, Large Gear, New Bolt, Pristine Cable, Pristine Screw, Sturdy Socketx Form where you landed on the hidden walkway, jump up and to the right edge of the chimney.
intel-unit Medium Quadrupedx Drop through the hole in the stairs going around the cicstern after the first conveyor and go left into a room.x Drop through the hole in the stairs going around the cistern after the first conveyor and keep going right.x To the left of the door right after the conveyor with giant metal presses.Secret room above the metal press conveyor
x About halfway up the stairs around the cistern after the metal press conveyor belt, there will be a platform where you can change the direction and make your way across the tops of the metal presses you ran under previously.weapon Engine Blade9S intel-archive Abandoned Factory Memo
x In the sidescrolling area with the conveyor belt in the background, check the right end of the foreground walkway.9S weapon Cruel Arrogancex After riding a background conveyor belt and climbing up a ladder, you will come to a door. Instead of going through, go left and hack another door.x After riding a background conveyor belt and climbing up a ladder, you will come to a door. Instead of going through, go down the stairs to the side.shortcut Unlock elevator back to access point.x In the room after riding a background conveyor belt.Route A
Route C
x In the multi-level platform area, jump up into the hidden upper level through the hole that the kamikaze machines dropped out of and go right.The room the second metal press conveyor
Go left before entering the room.
route-a Talk to each of the machines you saved in the next room for a small reward.scan $10000x Inside the room.9S Locked room:3 Silver Ores
intel-archive Project Gestalt Report 5
x In the multi-layer platform area with the broken stairs. You can slowly slide down the stairs if you walk into them, and you can use this to both reach the upper platform and the chest under it. Get up on the top platform, step on the stairs and immediately start walking left to slide down slowly. As you reach the end and start dropping off, do a double jump to reach the platform with the Meteorite chest.x In the room with the "Factory: Furnace" access point.scan 1 Elaborate Gadgetx In the corridor after "Factory: Furnace" access point room.