Desert: Camp
x Follow the path from the niche in the north-northeast of the map.$1000
x On the roof of the building near the entrance.scan 1 Silver Ore in the secluded areax In the otherwise empty area just west of City Ruins entrance.scan 1 Simple Gadget in the northx Where the northeast underground path comes up to the surface.scan 1 Gold Orex Where the northwest underground path comes up to the surface.scan 1 Silver Ore under the buildingscan 1 Simple Gadget in the centerx Inside the central rock formation.9S intel-archive Project Gestalt Report 6x Where the southwest underground path comes up to the surface.scan $10000x Near the end of the surface path that continues from the southwest end of the underground caves.9S intel-archive Mysterious Lithograph 4x Take the southwest exit from the underground caves, keep going along the path on the surface and at the end jump across the gap into the small secluded area behind the wall.scan 1 Pyritex In the open cave at the far north of the area.route-c intel-unit Enhanced Machines: Multi-tier typex In the southwest corner of the map.
Underground caves
x Just outside the upper of the two underground cave entrances.scan 1 Pyritex In the middle of the lower southeast path.9S weapon Cruel Blood Oathx Behind the hackable door.1 Broken Battery, Crushed Nut, Dented Socket, Rusty Bolt, Severed Cable, Small Gear, Stripped Screw
x At the northeast dead end.scan 1 Moldavitex Near the start of the southwest path.$2000
x Halfway down the southwest path.2 Gold Ores
x At the end of outhwest path.x In the short offshoot halfway along the northwest path.2 Memory Alloys
x Where the northwest path comes out to surface.
After Amusement Park
2B quest Jackass's Researchi When you have completed the quest, a shop selling the E-Drug will unlock with the android in the oil field at Desert: Center.